  • 4 Things to do after updating android system :Trendfeats

    4 Most important things to do after updating your android system.

    While official and stable updates are always in the stable channel, it is still possible to have face into some problems and bugs with your device after a major OS upgrade. And its usually not the problem of the new software, but of the older one. 

    So you should do 5 main important thins after updated your OS.

    Clear your catch data :

    You should  cleaned after updating your android system Actually am using  only UI and MIUI since 2017, so don't know about your OS settings process s on your your device, you could clean the catch data by install /download CCleaner or any other trusted cleaner  app from Play Store easily.

    Note that: Deleting cache from other apps like YouTube and Shareit, using the Phone Manager, could also delete all downloaded the data. Your phone usually tells you to ⚠Clean with Caution⚠ if you press to expand.

    Reset your biometric data :

    After  updated my mobile into pie  i have noticed a huge bugs on my phone. Thats my fingerprint doesn't work properly, and force me to tab the PIN code, same things goes with the face unlock system.

    After searching the main reason behind it i got surprised, because OnePlus  like flagship phones also facing the same bugs on their phones. so after that maximum of user pie have face this problems so android officially announced that after updating your OS you should changes your all the biometric security.

    And start your new OS with your new high security PIN password after updating your new OS.

    Battery full charged :

    For updating any stable updated on your device required more battery.
    Before updates your device any software related version, your device should be charged more than 70% because sometimes, device can't recognise how much time taked for this update. So will better for you as well as your device.

    And one thing once the battery fully charged let it be pluged to charger for 10mins.
    Because  optimisation is very necessary for your battery consumption.

     And use it till charge get discharge, don't charger in between 100% to 10%. It will be damage your battery backup performance.⚠️

    Update your apps :

    New recommend app should be updated after updating your OS.
    Becouse new OS required new app for run.

    Using old app may cause or bugs on performance. So, you should update your all the recommendation app on your app store. It may bring you the best experience on your device.

    So, that all new version updates you can Fully enjoyed.

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