  • how to stop a malware attack and clean your device : Trendfeats

    The smartphone user is increases in  a increasing order, in the same way the smartphone companies customised thei OS for impressed their customer. 

    For that purpose the customer means the smartphone user gets some dangerous issue for running the os by vast customise their Os.

    By customising their Os for that purpose the real Os Powered by Android (ios don't customised their OS because they usually using their own) and the all the brand companies launching their products with customised their Os. Due to this reason the user get too much worry about their devices by Malware Attack.

    To stop a malware attack and clean your device we should take some steps :

    Shutting down your device may seem counterintuitive, as it will not stop the attack from doing damage. However, your device crushed by some viruses attacks, it can protect other devices on the network while giving you the opportunity to gather your wits and do research on the infected app.
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    To activate safe mode, simply hold the power button for a few seconds when the device is powered on, then tap and hold the power off option. Depending on your device, several power options should be displayed on the screen, including the option to reboot to safe mode.

    By installing this app will safe you for temporary. 

    The Android Settings app usually has a gear-shaped icon but it may vary depending on your device arrangement and theme. Once in the Settings app, go to the Apps section and locate the problematic app

    Any Android device is exposed and vulnerable if it is connected to the Internet. A variety of security and antimalware apps can scan for viruses, get rid of junk files, and protect your device against infected software. And may your device get crushed !

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